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Multiply & Divide Integers Sort: Free Challenge

Want to give your students some additional practice with integers? This Multiply & Divide Integers Sort requires students to...

Boost Critical Thinking Skills in Algebra Class – Use Logic Puzzles

In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, developing critical thinking skills is more important than ever. As educators, we strive to provide engaging and effective...

Estimating Sums and Differences | Estimations

For estimating sums and differences in the number we use the rounded numbers for estimations to its nearest tens, hundred, and thousand.I: Estimating Sums: In many...

Google Forms for Formative Assessment in Math Class

Cheers to a new school year that will be unlike any school year before!I know that all of us are looking at new and...

Two Back to School Ideas for Digital Classrooms

 Yep, it's a school year like no other.  If you're like me, you have some very specific back to school routines...you buy the new...

Sub Plans for High School Math Class – Webquests are Perfect!

Distance learning ... hybrid learning ... asynchronous learning ...   we're all learning different terms right now!  Here is a type of activity would be...

High School Math Pixel Art – They Loved It!

I have been so busy with my own classes and elearning, I haven't been able to do anything with my blog! But, we had so...

Scratch Off Cards in Math Class – Fun!

I am always looking for fun ways to motivate my students.  Recently I came across scratch off stickers on amazon...who knew these were a...

Simplifying Radicals Domino Activity | Teaching High School Math

Now that my classes are consistently back in person and all students are present, I am creating quick activities for my class to use...

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